Serverless With Nodejs & Sequelize
Published On: 2019/02/21
If you are searching for a solution to setup a Nodejs AWS Lamda function communicates to MySQL then follow the below steps.
Install Nodejs
Setup Serverless (offline mode)
npm install -g serverless
I chose the offline emulation to speed up the development.npm install serverless-offline --save-dev
Configure package.json
{ "name": "community-crud-service", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "Community Crud Service", "main": "index.js", "dependencies": { "mysql2": "^1.6.4", "node-uuid": ">= 1.4.1", "sequelize": "^4.42.0" } }
Configure serverless.yml
service: community-crud-service custom: secrets: ${file(secrets.json)} provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs8.10 timeout: 30 stage: ${self:custom.secrets.NODE_ENV} region: sa-east-1 environment: NODE_ENV: ${self:custom.secrets.NODE_ENV} DB_NAME: ${self:custom.secrets.DB_NAME} DB_USER: ${self:custom.secrets.DB_USER} DB_PASSWORD: ${self:custom.secrets.DB_PASSWORD} DB_HOST: ${self:custom.secrets.DB_HOST} DB_PORT: ${self:custom.secrets.DB_PORT} vpc: securityGroupIds: - ${self:custom.secrets.SECURITY_GROUP_ID} subnetIds: - ${self:custom.secrets.SUBNET1_ID} - ${self:custom.secrets.SUBNET2_ID} - ${self:custom.secrets.SUBNET3_ID} - ${self:custom.secrets.SUBNET4_ID} functions: healthCheck: handler: index.healthCheck events: - http: path: / method: get cors: true create: handler: index.create events: - http: path: community method: post cors: true getOne: handler: index.getOne events: - http: path: community/{handlecode} method: get cors: true update: handler: index.update events: - http: path: community/{handlecode} method: put cors: true destroy: handler: index.destroy events: - http: path: community/{handlecode} method: delete cors: true plugins: - serverless-offline
The secrets.json file contains the db connection values
{ "DB_NAME": "community", "DB_HOST": "localhost" }
Create a js file which defines the entities in sequelize
'use strict' = (sequelize, type) => { return sequelize.define('t_community', { handlecode: { type: type.STRING, primaryKey: true }, name: type.STRING, description:{ type: type.STRING, allowNull: true, }, status: type.STRING, registered_on: type.DATE, ceased_on: { type: type.DATE, allowNull: true, }, creation_date: { type: type.DATE, defaultValue: type.NOW }, created_by: type.STRING, last_updation_date: { type: type.DATE, defaultValue: type.NOW }, last_updated_by: type.STRING, },{ timestamps: false, underscored: true, freezeTableName: true, }) } module.exports.community_address = (sequelize, type) => { return sequelize.define('t_community_address', { id: { type: type.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, community: type.STRING, version: {type:type.INTEGER,defaultValue:0}, geo_address:type.INTEGER, address_line_1: type.STRING, house_number: type.STRING, last_updation_date: { type: type.DATE, defaultValue: type.NOW }, last_updated_by: type.STRING },{ timestamps: false, underscored: true, freezeTableName: true, }) } module.exports.community_contact = (sequelize, type) => { return sequelize.define('t_community_contact', { id: { type: type.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, community: type.STRING, contact_type:type.STRING, value_type: type.STRING, value: type.STRING, deletion_status: {type:type.INTEGER,defaultValue:0}, last_updation_date: { type: type.DATE, defaultValue: type.NOW }, last_updated_by: type.STRING },{ timestamps: false, underscored: true, freezeTableName: true, }) } module.exports.geo_address = (sequelize, type) => { return sequelize.define('t_geo_address', { id: { type: type.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, country: type.STRING, zipcode: type.STRING, state: type.STRING, city: type.STRING },{ timestamps: false, underscored: true, freezeTableName: true, }) }
Database connection setup (db.js) Create a script which handles database communication
Now we have to create a community record with address and contacts in a atomic transactionconst Sequelize = require('sequelize') const communityEntities = require('./models/CommunityEntities') const sequelize = new Sequelize( process.env.DB_NAME, process.env.DB_USER, process.env.DB_PASSWORD, { dialect: 'mysql', host: process.env.DB_HOST, port: process.env.DB_PORT, // disable logging; default: console.log logging: false } ) const CommunityEntity =, Sequelize) const CommunityAddressEntity = communityEntities.community_address(sequelize, Sequelize) const CommunityContactEntity = communityEntities.community_contact(sequelize, Sequelize) const GeoAddressEntity = communityEntities.geo_address(sequelize, Sequelize) const Models = { CommunityEntity,CommunityAddressEntity,CommunityContactEntity,GeoAddressEntity } const connection = {} CommunityEntity.hasOne(CommunityAddressEntity,{as: 'address', foreignKey : 'community'}) CommunityEntity.hasMany(CommunityContactEntity,{as: 'contacts', foreignKey : 'community'}) CommunityAddressEntity.belongsTo(CommunityEntity,{foreignKey: 'community', targetKey: 'handlecode'}) CommunityContactEntity.belongsTo(CommunityEntity,{foreignKey: 'community', targetKey: 'handlecode'}) CommunityAddressEntity.belongsTo(GeoAddressEntity,{as: 'geoaddress', foreignKey: 'geo_address', targetKey: 'id'}) module.exports.sequelize = async () => { if (connection.isConnected) { console.log('=> Using existing connection.') return sequelize } //await sequelize.sync() await sequelize.authenticate() connection.isConnected = true console.log('=> Created a new connection.') return sequelize } module.exports.models = async () => { if (!connection.isConnected) { await sequelize.authenticate() connection.isConnected = true console.log('=> Created a new connection.') } return Models } // Find or Create the geo address module.exports.getOrCreateGeoAddress = async (geoaddress) => { return await GeoAddressEntity.findOrCreate({where: {zipcode: geoaddress.zipcode}, defaults: geoaddress}).spread( function(result, created){ return result.dataValues } ) }
module.exports.createCommunity = async (community,communityaddress,communitycontacts) => { return await sequelize.transaction(function (t) { return CommunityEntity.create(community, {transaction: t}).then(function () { return CommunityAddressEntity.create(communityaddress, {transaction: t}).then(function () { //return sequelize.Promise.each(communitycontacts, function(itemToCreate){ return CommunityContactEntity.bulkCreate(communitycontacts, { transaction: t }) //}); }); }); }).then(function (result) { return true; }).catch(function (err) { console.log(err) throw new Error(); }); } module.exports.getCommunity = async (communityId) =>{ console.log(communityId) return await CommunityEntity.findOne({ where: { handlecode: communityId }, include: [ { model: CommunityAddressEntity, as: 'address', include: [ {model: GeoAddressEntity, as: 'geoaddress'} ]}, { model: CommunityContactEntity, as: 'contacts'} ] }) }
Create lamda handler file (index.js).
'use strict'; const db = require('./db') const sequalize = db.sequelize const connectToDatabase = db.models const dtos = require('./dtos') console.log('Loading function'); const Error500Msg = (err) =>({ statusCode: err.statusCode || 500, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, body: err.message }); const HTTPError = (statusCode, message)=>{ const error = new Error(message) error.statusCode = statusCode return error }; module.exports.healthCheck = async () => { await connectToDatabase() console.log('Connection successful.') return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({ message: 'Connection successful.' }) } } module.exports.create = async (event) => { try { const { CommunityEntity } = await connectToDatabase() const data=JSON.parse(event.body) const auditdto=dtos.auditdto(,"system",,"system") const geoaddressdto = dtos.geoaddressdto(,data.address.baseAddress.pincode, data.address.baseAddress.state, ) const geoaddress = await db.getOrCreateGeoAddress(geoaddressdto) const communitydto = dtos.communitydto(data.handleCode,,data.description,'A',data.registeredOn) const communityWithAuditDto={...communitydto, ...auditdto} const communityaddressdto=dtos.communityaddressdto( data.handleCode,,data.address.streetLocation, data.address.houseNumber,"system" ) const contacts = data.contacts var contactDtoArr=[] contacts.forEach(function(elem){ contactDtoArr.push(dtos.communitycontactdto( data.handleCode,elem.contactType,elem.valueType,elem.value,"system" )); }) //await CommunityEntity.create(communityWithAuditDto) await db.createCommunity(communityWithAuditDto,communityaddressdto,contactDtoArr) return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({id:data.handleCode}) } } catch (err) { console.log(err) return Error500Msg(new Error("Could not create the community")); } } module.exports.getOne = async (event) => { try { const { CommunityEntity } = await connectToDatabase() const communityEntity = await db.getCommunity(event.pathParameters.handlecode) if (!communityEntity) throw new HTTPError(404, `Community with id: ${event.pathParameters.handlecode} was not found`) return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify(communityEntity) } } catch (err) { console.log(err) return Error500Msg(new Error('Could not fetch the Community.')); } }
Run the command to start serverless in offline mode
serverless offline --skipCacheInvalidation start
With this short article I tried my best to create a small capsule of AWS Lamda service which might be helpful in your serveless project.
Note: While building this serverless service, I have referred the link